1. Core Python
2. Web Frameworks
3. Skills of Data Scientists
4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Skill
5. Deep Learning
6. Multi-Process Architecture
7. Design Skills
8. Front-End Technologies Knowledge
9. Server-Side Templating Language
10. User Authorization and Authentication
11. Good Debugging and Unit Test Skills
12. Database Schemas Creation Ability
13. Machine Learning
14. Data Mining
15. Data structures and Algorithms
16. Advanced Algorithms
17. Dynamic Programming
18. Data Visualization and Analytics
19. Data visualization
20. Data Pre-Processing:
a) Dealing with missing data
b) Data imputation
c) Handling categorical data
d) Encoding class labels for classification problems
e) Techniques of feature transformation
Python and Django skills
Backend skills:
1. Python 3.x Async/Threading (DRF, Scrapy, Celery, Channels)
2. MVC Frameworks: Django, React
3. Relational Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLITE3
4. NoSQL: Redis, Mongo
5. DevOps: Docker, Linux/Nginx
Frontend skills:
2. JS Frameworks: React/Redux, jQuery, Vue/Vuex
3. CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap
C/C++ /java
1. C, CPP(C++), Java and Python programming projects
2. Object-Oriented Programming (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction)
3. Data Structures(Link List, Queue, Trees, Heap, Hash Tables, stack, etc)
4. Filing
5. GUI
6. Unit Testing
7. Deep Learning
1. Data structures
2. Data Processing
3. Array manipulations
4. Desktop Application
5. Multi-threaded project
6. Linux based project
1. Data structures
2. Data Processing
3. Array manipulations
4. OOP projects (Object Oriented Programming)
5. Desktop Application
6. Multi-threaded project
7. Linux based project
8. Image Processing Projects (OpenCV)
1. Data structures
2. Data Processing
3. Array manipulations
4. OOP projects (Object Oriented Programming)
5. Desktop Application
6. Multi-threaded project
7. Image Processing Projects (EmguCV)
8. WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
9. Window Forms
10. Database Management
11. Console application
12. Object-Oriented programming (OOP)
13. windows forms
14. SQL database && Access Database configuration
16. File handling
17. image processing
18. Client-Server Programming (Socket Programming)
19. Forms design
20. could base database
21. Work with Excel
Data structures
1. File manipulation
2. Databases
3. GUI
4. Machine learning
5. Algorithms
7. Math
Java Programming
1. Data Structures and Algorithms
2. Object-Oriented Programming
3. Function overloading and overriding
4. Trees (Heap, Binary, AVL)
5. Console Applications
6. Windows Form Applications
7. WPF Applications
8. Backend Programming
9. Dynamic web applications
10. CMS Design and Development
11. Database Integration (MonogoDB, SQL db)
12. Firebase Integration
13. Error tracking and bug fixing
14. Stacks, Queues, Linked list
15. File handling & Bug fixing
Web development
1. HTML5
2. CSS3
3. Bootstrap
4. Media-queries
5. Zurb Foundation
6. Materialize
9. JQuery
10. Responsive template
11. Cross-browser compatibility
12. Pixel perfect design
13. Clean code
14. Integrate custom fonts
15. W3C validated
16. Full HTML5 and CSS3 code
17. PSD to HTML5
18. FIGMA to HTML5
19. JavaScript animation
20. Bootstrap 4 Framework
21. Mobile Responsive design
22. Django front end
23. React js front end
Why Us?
We are a leading custom programmer development team focused on our clients. With experience from app development to blockchain technology till web development our team of highly skilled developers are expertly picked for your project needs.
Top companies and startups choose champoinbee to get the job done right the first time. Our clients, pay by sprint, meaning we do not invoice for projects beforehand. This ensures our clients are paying for work that they approve.
3 Reasons to Choose CHAMPIONBEE
1. Our teams of developers are expertly chosen for your project. Our clients, pay by sprint, meaning we do not invoice for projects beforehand. This ensures our clients are paying for work that they approved.
2. With our client-centric model you can speak with your development team and feel confident that the work is getting done on time. With our community of developers that have been working together for years, we have a track record that proves it.
3. We integrate into any needed part of your department whether it be Support, DevOps, QA, Design, and Deployment.